- Saturday, February 27, 2010 -

Situation :

Philip has asked me to confirm with him wether we are still gg to continue with him for the new year 1s. I have to give him a reply by wednesday. As RP has just ended a meeting and they are going to increase their trainings with him to 4 times a week. Monday Tues Thur Friday.

So Philip said no initially. and called me to confirm on how.

Now i want u guys to think not for urselves but also for ur future year 1s. Philip cannot come back to spgg to train us. It is not impossible but its just hard. I have talked to the management a few times and they are saying no each time.

So i asked them about a new coach instead and they said they will see what they can do. So here's the price review in short

$45 Philip + GF Tables + SPGG Table
$10 SPGG Table + the new coach.

From what i can forsee. if u have a new coach and u wont want to share the cost, fine but u have to think. from the start 70 over people, drop to about 10 year 1s.

So are these year 1s gg to suffer paying the cost of the coaching alone? and as u know coaches dont come cheap one session there they can easily get $100. If u count double trainings a week. 1 month easily 700 - 800. So 10 year 1s gg to pay $100 each month??

If they leave, we suffer next in line. Coach gone again if we refuse to get coaching and before you know it, spgg pool team gone. So it really is a difficult choice to make. But please give ur honest feed back on the future batch of year 1s.

P.S i'm on neither side. But to play cheap pool, shit happens. See you guys on tues 6pm and weds 4pm at spgg for those who can make it. Thanks alot

I Broke Clear Again;
1:07 AM

- Monday, February 22, 2010 -

Dear all.

I hate to be a bastard but ur fees for march are due!!! Pay Yixiang, Matthew , Nicholas when u see them

Would u guys wana have the option thing like what we did in dec?? weekend play but pay more. since we know march and april there are many weekend tourneys. Maybe $20 total? For a holiday weekend, its a good deal =) actually all the price is already a good deal.

If you tend to kpkb about a permanent price increase, striking ur name off the list is very easy for me. As you guys know how much it would cost you if u play outside. Think of it this way, how fast can u clear $20? 3-4hrs?? Ur paying for the month.

March & April's Big thing = let u all know at the next metting when i call one =) haha!!

And I'm going to need everybody's co-operation for an spgg tournament i'm gg to organise. Details i will let u know when i talk with management. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT that u help me by joining. Why? I will tell u all when the time comes.

Good luck for exams. see u at spgg soon. u can find me there almost everyday during the holidays =)

I Broke Clear Again;
11:20 PM

- Saturday, February 13, 2010 -


For those who did not came =)


Look at ben eyeing that salmon =X


I told you he was ready to eat =) haha

For those who wana participate in competitions mini or big or just for the fun of it. below are some links

SP 8 ball open (6,13 march) : http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=296791619490&ref=ts

The 8Lack 9 ball challenge (13 march) : http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=324432057245&ref=ts (encouraged to go for those who wana play their 1st tournament)

NTUC Black8 9 ball competition (6,13 March) : http://services.ntuc.org.sg/yds_portal/runUsecase.aspx?chainID=YDSChain&usecaseID=YDSRegistration&activityid=440

National U-19 :no link no confirmation but said to be held in march. But encouraged for all to go.

Good luck for the exams and happy CNY. Rmb ah O$P$.

I Broke Clear Again;
1:29 PM

- Tuesday, February 9, 2010 -

Dear all.

Helping Mr Melson Chua advertise his SP 8-Ball event

Reg Fee $10
8-Ball Race 2 Double KO
SP Students only
6th March preliminaries
13 March Finals
Moberly Pool hall
1st prize - 8th prize i heard.
When to register?? not known.
Lunch buffet?? irritate melson until he give in =)
door gift?? same as above
Spread the word!!

Contact him at their
facebook page http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=296791619490&ref=ts
SP Pool club page http://sppoolfoosclub.blogspot.com/

2ndly. Rules Rules Rules, you should know and dont get us into trouble.

3rdly, as we know march is a holiday and there are competitions on the weekends. so do you guys wana pay the additional $10 more to train/warm/play on the weekends?

4thly, Team reunion dinner. wana have it or not? after exams? meet somewhere and have fun and eat talk cock make up, its not good to have problems with each other. its the new year also so Owe Money Pay Money also. Make the tagboard alive man!!

lastly, Good luck for exams.

I Broke Clear Again;
9:57 PM

- Monday, February 1, 2010 -


I can see that many of you guys are cutting down on going to SPGG to study which is good.

Feb i have less than 10 people who paid up. I'm not saying its good or bad. However, if you have not paid up i seriously dont expect u to sign in the book and get the team into anymore troubles. If u wish to go in, please use ur SP student card instead thanks.

Also there are 2 rules which would get u guys banned.

1. No smoking at spgg compound. if u wan, go to the road side and smoke. I can see some of us are already doing it.

2. DO NOT bring ur friends in. one of us already tio scolded thx to doing this and the warning was getting banned if he ever does it again. If u need to bring ur friends in , ask a member to sign him in. Especially if he/she is not SP students.

There may be another competition coming up soon in the 1st / 2nd week of march but exams are more impt.

Thanks and good luck

I Broke Clear Again;
10:23 PM



Captain : Azkhairy 9152 6123
Vice Captain: Jun Yang 9751 2975
Treasurer : Alvin Ho 9090 0266

Friendster: spggpool@hotmail.com
Email : spggpool@gmail.com



AZ billiards






Peer Coach List____________

1.Sam Tan
- Joshua
- Yu Jie
- Wan Rong

2.Ah Quek
- Kwok On
- Wei Yung

- Jun Yang
- Yun Xian
- Azkhairy
- Shawn


- Wei Ting

6.Ah Lee
- Shaun Tan

7.Ben Hwang
- Terry
- Jon
- Doug
- Jun Wen

- Beng Jie

9.Nick Mok
-Lian Kiat