Please start paying your JAN fees of $10 when you see Yi Xiang, Matthew or Nicholas.
Currently we are trying to get CCA points for this External CCA that is not recognized by the school. But the guess is that its very likely to only get it from participating in RECOGNIZED tournaments such as National 9/8/ U-19/ Ranking or maybe even mini competitons that are organised by the poly/other poly/Uni.
However you need to use SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC NAME so if you participate as an individual you wont get any CCA points. Training may also get CCA points but this is very unlikely.
All these is just a rough guess only not confirmed. when the actual conclusion is out we will let you all know.
As for those who came for the meeting, Membership is off as the numbers cannot support it. So as for now we will pay the normal $10 fee HOWEVER that those not mean that they may change the price in the near future.
For those who are money minded its a good thing but the bad part is that we will not be able to get any new cloth & tournaments being organized for us as they will not use members money to fund us (non-members).
As of April the team will be split into 2. 1 Side being the social side who just come to play, sing song, talk cock , find year 1 girl where as the other side will be the the competitive side that will train under philip and continue to improve. More details when the time come nearer.
Training will only resume in April when the new batch of year 1s come in. By then we hope to get Philip back to train the new batch of year 1s and those that are halfway in module 2 or not even started module 1.
Lastly, we MAY have a 10 v 10 team friendly with Moberly on the 16th of Jan. So if you think you are going to play please make that day free. Format and prize yet to be discussed but just keep checking back here when you all got nothing else to surf on the net.
Labels: Lets Start Playing 10-Ball