ALL YEAR 1 PLEASE TAKE NOTES. there will be a briefing on THIS FRIDAY 530PM OR THE UPCOMING MONDAY AT 530PM. please attend either one of the meeting ! THIS IS AN IMPORTANT BRIEFING. please make urself free for either one time.
anyway, This wednesday, Brandan, paul, ridwan and myself (sino) will be heading to the management and have a talk with them regarding the team. Hopefully everything will just turns out right.
anyway, stay tune ppl.
more coming up
abit tired.
but still my heart dropped when i saw this video.
the video is been awhile in youtube.
just want to share the videos with you guys
Nearest jump ever
Owells, it definately made our day =)
Sino (me) run up the rack after Ridwan Broke the rack.
However, due to some problems with the camera man, the video is incomplete.
Anyway, when the video stopped recording, i left last stripe ball which i drawed it and placed just nice for the '8' ball. =)
Enjoy the clips =)
Actually i was the one who showed him the intended path of the cueball and how it should be executed but apparently his was caught on camera. It was nicely done i would say.
This was a rather simple jump shot using the rail. Nothing spectacular but still kinna cool. This was done by me
This shot is more of a stroke shot than anything else, playing lots of follow to achieve the desired effect. This is again of course done by me.
We still have a couple of videos but i dont think they uploaded it. Maybe we'll do a compilation and post it up one day.